Talet i Malmö

Jag vill tacka alla som vakade över oss här på torget i tre dygn och alla i Sverige och i andra länder som gick ut på gatan när vi blivit tagna i måndags. Era ord, era handlingar och er kärlek skyddade oss.

Mot en laglös militärmakt beväpnad till tänderna, mot hundratals soldater tränade att döda och med order att atackera som brottslingar vårt tillfälliga hem maskerade och under skydd av mörkret finns det endast en makt starkare än dagsljus: människors kärlek.

Kärlek till den andra (som det är viktigt att förstå måste få vara annan, men skulle alltid kunnat vara jag)
Kärlek till sanningen
Kärlek till rättvisan
Kärlek till en värld som ännu inte är född

Vad vi blev utsatta för är obegripligt, oförsvarligt och oacceptabelt. Det är ett tydligt exempel på att i den värld vi lever i Israel beter sig som om landet stod över lagen, dvs. på ett kriminellt sätt samtidigt som det för ansprål på att vara en demokratisk stat, hemmahörande i den internationella gemenskapen. Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att allt de gjorde mot oss, inklusive att anklaga oss för inbillade brott och förstöra och stjäla våra tillhörigheter inte är en isolerad företeelse utan det är samma saker som de gör mot Gazaborna dag efter dag efter dag.

När jag gick till polisen igår och berättade vad jag hade utsatts för kom polisen fram till att jag varit utsatt för olaga frihetsberövande och stöld. Väpnad stöld. Polisen skrev in att den israeliska staten är förövaren.

Vårt juridiska system är inte anpassad efter en sådan möjlighet. Vi kan inte utreda brott som begåtts av en stat utanför svenskt territorium även om det gäller de egna medborgarna. Men det finns länder som efter andra världskriget öppnade utrymme för att kunna behandla sådana fall: Spanien, Belgien, Tyskland.

Vi kommer att öppna processer mot staten Israel inför alla möjliga instanser och för alla brott som har begåtts. Det är ett av målen med vår aktion att reaktivera den internationella rätten och på detta sätt se till att Gazaborna inte fortsätter att bli utlämnade till laglöshet.

Vi förlorade modiga människor som vågade tro och var beredda att ta sitt ansvar för den värld vi lever i. Vi förlorade våra saker. Vi blev fråntagna rätten att färdas fritt in i Israel vilket för en del av oss betyder att förlora rätten att återse våra familjer. Och förutom de officiellt erkända dödsfallen finns det också de försvunna.

Men vi har ändå vunnit. Vi har vunnit stora framgångar i vår kamp mot belägringen av Gaza.

Det här är bara en liten omväg. De kunde ta våra sex båtar. De kunde ta Rachel Corrie. Men en dag kommer blockaden att hävas. Och jag tror att den dagen är nära.

Gazaborna: det här betyder inte att vi kunde bli stoppade. Vi kan inte bli stoppade. Vi kommer till er, vi är på väg.

Letter to the Israel soldiers

You know that what you do is not right. I could see it in your eyes when you had us hostages. You know as well as I that it is proper to wrongdoers to fear daylight and to feel a need to hide their faces.

I know that you are almost children. So did you look to me. Children playing with expensive toys. But it is time you start to act as adult women and men.

Reflect on your long historical experience of oppression. You have laws that reflect that experience. No Israeli soldier must obey orders that they know are against the law.

You will need courage, much more courage and determination than you need to kill and humiliate unarmed people. But you should know that there are people all around the world ready to support you. If you follow your conscience and take responsibility for your deeds. That is the only way to gain human dignity for yourself and that is the path to construct a better future for your country.

Don't be silent when you hear the official lies because you witnessed the truth.

Maybe you think you can lie to outsiders and still be true inside, that inside and outside are different realities with different ethics. But there is no such thing. Lies are lies and they always come together with injustice.

I ask you to fight for your humanity, to struggle for your country, t help to build a better world.

Make use of your right to disobey, don't let yourself be used as a tool of injustice and lawlessness.

Gaza, my love

There have been some delays. No need to bore you with details, suffice to say we were compelled to make a little detour for a intensive course on the kind of violence and humiliations you have been suffering for so long. In that way I felt closer to you, more deeply connected.

I think of you all the time. I long for you. And I am confident we will see each other soon. Not even the army of Israel can stop a love like the one I feel for you


My provisional cellphone

0046 703067452

I Sverige

Media är på här så ni vet allt vi det här laget. Jag berättar om allt med alla detaljer när jag kommer ner till Göteborg. Jag har ingen mobil längre utan ni kan nå mig på hemtelefonen 031 139072

hann inte skicka sista bloggen

dar det stod att 14 militarbatar akte i hog fart mot oss. Vı blev kıdnappade som ni vet. Och vi ar pa vag till Sverige nu efter att vi anmalt stold av alla vara saker

No boarding

The helicopter or whatever left. We were about to distress a lıttle bit. The guy with the che guevara look showed us his new t-shırt showing a group of Indians from the New World, the text saying Fighting terrorism since 1492...

Then messenger from the captain saıd there are five ships - four on the side and one behind - on the radar and they are approaching. No verbal contact. We are 72 mıles from the Israel shore and 100 miles from Gaza. We can already see some lights at a dıstance

Still online

Because of the experıence durıng the war on gaza and of course Iraq too we think we wıll shut out so that we cannot report. It is said that Israel intended to have inbedded journalısts who could report on the orderly way in which they conducted their mission. It is doubtful though that their strategy was to their advantage.

Now the İsraelis are calling our captain and other people from the IHH by name. People who have been working in Afghanistan are afraid of the use of use they will make of theır drones

Now it is four helicopters

They seem to use lots of force power agaınst our nonvıolent fleet. Now there are three navy mıssıle shıps and four helıcopters around and above us

They have deployed the Masada unit, the prison service's commando unit that specializes in penetrating prison cells; naval commando fighters with backup from the special police anti-terror unit and the army's Oketz canine unit and buılt a special detention facility set up at the Ashdod port

And all of thıs for what kınd of threat? A peaceful humanıtarıan fleet brıngıng cement, desalınatıon plants, generators and medıcal and school supplıes to Gaza....

Helıcopter over our shıp

A helıcopter encırcle our shıp at thıs moment. Thıs may be yet another ıntımıdatıon or maybe a boardıng from the sky

Three navy missile ships about to confront the Freedom Flotilla accordıng to Haaretz

Report: Israeli warships make contact with Gaza aid flotilla

Israeli navy operating on assumption that activists aboard aid ships will not heed their call to turn around, refrain from breaking Gaza siege.

By Anshel Pfeffer, Avi Issacharoff and The Associated Press Tags: Gaza aid Freedom flotilla

Israeli warships have made contact with a six-ship aid flotilla headed toward Gaza carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid and supplies, Al Jazeera reported late Sunday. The Israeli navy is operating on the assumption that the activists manning the boats will not heed their calls to turn around, and in response, the troops are prepared to board the ships and steer them away from the Gaza shores and toward the Israeli port city of Ashdod.

Boats at the Gaza port a day before a flotilla of aid ships is expected to try to sail into the bloc

Boats at the Gaza port a day before a flotilla of aid ships is expected to try to sail into the blockaded territory May 30, 2010.

Photo by: AP

Huwaida Arraf, one of the flotilla organizers, said the six-ship flotilla began the journey from international waters off the coast of Cyprus Sunday afternoon after two days of delays. According to organizers, the flotilla was expected to reach Gaza, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) away, on Monday afternoon, and two more ships would follow in a second wave.

The flotilla was fully prepared for the different scenarios that might arise, and organizers were hopeful that Israeli authorities would do what's right and not stop the convoy, one of the organizers said.

"We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us," Arraf said. "They are going to have to forcefully stop us."

After nightfall, three Israeli navy missile boats left their base in Haifa, steaming out to sea to confront the activists' ships.

Two hours later, Israel Radio broadcast a recording of one of the missile boats warning the flotilla not to approach Gaza.

"If you ignore this order and enter the blockaded area, the Israeli navy will be forced to take all the necessary measures in order to enforce this blockade," the radio message continued.

The flotilla, which includes three cargo ships and three passenger ships, is trying to draw attention to Israel's three-year blockade of the Gaza Strip. The boats are carrying items that Israel bars from reaching Gaza, like cement and other building materials.

The activists said they also were carrying hundreds of electric-powered wheelchairs, prefabricated homes and water purifiers.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said that after a security check, permitted humanitarian aid confiscated from the boats will be transferred to Gaza through authorized channels. However, Israel would not transfer items it has banned from Gaza under its blockade rules. Palmor said that for example, cement would be allowed only if it is tied to a specific project.

This is the ninth time that the Free Gaza movement has tried to ship in humanitarian aid to Gaza since August 2008.

Israel has let ships through five times, but has blocked them from entering Gaza waters since a three-week military offensive against Gaza's Hamas rulers in January 2009. The flotilla bound for Gaza is the largest to date.

Some 700 pro-Palestinian activists are on the boats, including 1976 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire of Northern Ireland, European legislators and an elderly Holocaust survivor.

The mission has experienced repeated delays, both due to mechanical problems and a decision by Cyprus to bar any boat from sailing from its shore to Gaza. The ban forced a group of European lawmakers to depart from the breakaway Turkish Cypriot northern part of the island late Saturday.

Israel and Egypt imposed the blockade on Gaza after Hamas militants violently seized control of the seaside territory in June 2007.

Israel says the measures are needed to prevent Hamas, which has fired thousands of rockets at Israel, from building up its arsenal. But United Nations officials and international aid groups say the blockade has been counterproductive, failing to weaken the Islamic militant group while devastating the local economy.

Israel rejects claims of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, saying it allows more than enough food and medicine into the territory. The Israelis also point to the bustling smuggling industry along Gaza's southern border with Egypt, which has managed to bring consumer goods, gasoline and livestock into the seaside strip.

Israel has condemned the flotilla as a provocation and vowed to block it from reaching Gaza.

Israeli military officials said they hope to resolve the situation peacefully but are prepared for all scenarios. Naval commandos have been training for days in anticipation of the standoff. Military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity under official guidelines, said the forces would likely take over the boats under the cover of darkness.

Palmor said foreigners on the ships would be sent back to their countries. Activists who did not willingly agree to be deported would be detained. A special detention facility has been set up in Ashdod.

Rallies ın support of the Freedom Flotilla

Reports stream ın from various cıtıes wıth rallies or call for rallıes ın cıtıes across Europe. In Istanbul more than 5000 people took to the streets enraged by the Israelı mılitary threat against the non-violent humanitarıan mıssıon of eıght vessels that sends badly needed reconstructıon materıal and medıcal supplıes to the besıeged populatıon of Gaza. Rıght now. a couple of thousand protesters gather ın Ankara.

People ın London, Barcelona and Madrıd call for rallıes tomorrow. Monday, and ın Sweden, demonstratıons are planned ın Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe.

We urge people across the world to organıze rallıes ın support of our mıssıon and demand that theır respectıve governments take a stand for ınternatıonal publıc law agaınst the curreng mılıtary aggressıon of Israel.

On the shıp we are at, there are representatıves from 32 countrıes, from all contınents

Gaza and our mıssıon need your solıdarıty

For the moment there are no new news

I wıll rest for some hours if possible. We will report later. Demonstratıon in Athens and Chıcago tomorrow

Thousands of demonstrants in Istanbul

surroundıng the consulate

see it happening at


Fler demonstrationer pa gang

I Grekland och ı London. Folk blır valdıgt glada. Mattıas kommer snart lıve

Lagesrapport fran Frihetsflottan

Horde att de stangt ner bade ihhs och ship to gazas hemsida for att forsvara var kontakt med omvarlden. Men det sands fortfarande live streaming vilket betyder att den ısraelıska flottan inte tanker sla till an. mannıskor over hela varlden foljer oss. det kanns bra. Vı har fort Frıhetsflottans fartyg narmare varandra. en tat formatıon for att gora det svarare att komma ın med tystgaende zodıaks med kommandosoldater for att borda fartygen. vı har styrt ıvag fran de ısraelıska krıgsfartygen och forsoker lugna ner dem lıte. Vı soker ınte ul konfrontatıon. De foljer oss dock pa varje flank. An sa lange pa avstand. Demonstratıoner pagar just nu ı bade Istanbul och Ankara. Erdogan har gatt ut ı medıa och manat Israel att ınte ta tıll mılıtart vald mot en fredlıg flotta. Det vore bra om andra statsoverhuvuden foljde hans exempel

lagesrapport fran Freedom Flotilla och Ship to Gaza

Allt ar fortfarande lungt. Tva militarfartyg foljer oss hela tiden. men pa avstand/ En helikopter och eller en dronare cirkulerar mellan vara fartyg/ vi far nyheter om demonstrationer i istanbul/ det vore klokt om ni kunde kontakta vara folkvalda representanter och be dem lugna ner israelerna lite. vi kommer i fred med ateruppbyggnadsmaterial till Gazas instangda befolkning och utgor inget hot/ Varfor de moter en humanitar hjalpinsats med militara medel ter sig gatfullt


Problemet med meddelandet om de 68 sjomilen gar inte att losa ikvall tyvarr. Jag forsokte hela eftermiddagen men av okand anledning har vi bara fatt se det och inte kopiera det. Det ar dessutompa ett obegripligt teckensystem. Nu ar kaptenen isolerad i sitt sakerhetsrum och oatkomlig. Forsok hitta det med maritim message nanting, som ar tydligen ett internationellt kommunikationssystem mellan skepp. Eller fraga israelerna

We have been asked to go to sleep

Not the media of course but all other passengers have been asked to take some rest. We will have a long day tomorrow. Mattias laughed when I told him about what you asked Amandla. 

Citizens of the world go out to demonstrate!

This is the first time in history that a humanitarian flotilla will be met by military force! You should go out to say to our governments that they must act according to their official statements that they are working to end the inhuman siege of gaza. You should go out all over the world and show that the people of the world will not accept the suffering caused to the civilians in gaza anymore. Madrid and Barcelona have already announced a big rally tomorrow at 19 hours European time. Follow this initiative! We demand that the siege end

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